Nursing Assistant

Eligibility Criteria
Age : 17½ to 23 year
Qualification : XII (PCB) with 50%.
Written Test Syllabus Selection Process

Exam Pattern

General Knowledge (10 Que)
Chemistry (15 Que)
Biology (15 Que)
Mathematics (05 Que)
Physics (05 Que)
Total Marks : 200
Exam Duration : 90 Minute
Negative Marks : 01 Marks

General Knowledge:

Abbreviations :
National and International.
Sports :
National and International
Awards and Prizes :
National awards, Gallantry awards, NobelPrizes
History :
Important dates & battles in Indian and World History and land land marks of Indian History,
national movement.
Solar System Space exploration, The earthprincipal peaks, Deserts, Rivers, Lakes and famous waterfalls,Geographical Tallest, Biggest and Longest etc.
Geographical terms, Economic terms,Astronomical terms, Legal terms and Misc terms.
United Nations Organisation
Indian Armed Forces.
Indian Towns, States and Uts.
Institutions and Research Stations, Internationalspace Stations and Festivals of India and World.
Indian News Agencies and Dailies.
Continents and Sub Continents
Inventions and Discoveries.
The Constitution of India.
Religious communities and Principal Languages.
National and International Days.
International Organizations.
Books and Authors.
The world of Plants and animals.
Current Affairs and “Who’s Who”.


Basic Biology :
Cells structure and functions, tissues, organsand organ system, outline classifi cations of plants and
animals, adaptation and evolution.
Life Process :
Nutrition -photosynthesis, autotrophs,heterotrophs, Respiration. Internal transport,
Excretion,Reproduction. Growth and differentiation. Control and co-ordination.
Study of Birds :
Habit and behaviour of familiar birds.
Human Beings
Uniqueness of human body :
Organisation of human body,unique organs of the human body – biped and erect posture,opposite thumb, highly developed brain, location of eye,colour sensitive retina,
presence of salivary amylase, antigravitypostural muscles, location tests, capability of year
roundreproduction, some characteristics of human body common toother animals.
Food and Health
Necessity of balanced diet:
Diet and nature of work, need andcarbohydrates and fats, vitamins, minerals, sources of
dietaryproteins, carbohydrates and fats, vitamins, minerals. Defi ciencydiseases and their
symptoms –protein energy malnutrition,mineral malnutrition, Symptoms of diseases, effects
ofinsuffi ciency, control Harmful effects of over intake, obesity,and other complications,
cardiovascular disorder, motiling ofteeth and fl uorosis, hypervitaminosis.
Wasteful Food Practices:
Types of wastage, defectivepractices post harvesting, mode of storage and
distribution,traditional systems, faulty methods of preservation.
Food Yield:
Different practices –use of fertilizers and manures,proper irrigation, nitrogen fi xation, crop
rotation, mixed cropping,use of good hybrids, protection of plants againstdiseases. Animal
husbandry, artifi cial insemination , care and management. Environmental pollutants,
contaminated water,causes and transmission by physical contact or vectors. Disordercaused by
addiction to alcohol, smoking and drugs.
Essentials for good health:
Hygienic habits and control ofenvironmental pollution.
Cycles of materials:
Carbon cycle, nitrogen cycle, nitrogenfi xation, oxygen cycle, oxidation processes, water cycle,
mineralcycles (Na K. Mg. Fe) Role of energy change in different cycles.
Ecological balance :
Man’s role in disturbing the balance,environment physical, biotic and socio-culture, efforts
formaintenance of ecological balance, recycling of waste materialsfor ecological balance.
Living resources:
Renewable and non-renewable resources,exploitation of resources, ecological crisis due to
deforestation,need for proper replacement and management of livingresources, means of
replenishment through sulviculture,conservation and monitoring of wild life parks and
sanctuaries,wild life conservation.
Ways of living :
(a) Habitat and Organisms Habitat. Types of habitat:classifi cation of organisms based on habitats,
habitat andorganisms, interdependent alternation of habitats and its effectson organisms
including man conservation of habitats.

(b) Adaptation Structural and functional potentialities oforganisms, structure adaptation with
reference to internal andexternal factors, Functional adaptation in reference to lifeprocesses.
(c) Study of Birds Habit and behaviour of familiar birds.


Chemistry :
Physical and Chemical changes. Elements,Mixtures and Compounds, Symbols, Formula and
simple Chemical Equations, Law of Chemical Combination, Properties ofAir and Water,
Preparation and Properties of Hydrogen, Oxygen,Nitrogen and Carbondioxide, Oxidation and Reduction, Acids, bases and salts, Carbon and its forms, Natural andArtifi cial Fertilizers,
Elementary ideas about the Structure ofAtom, Atomic, Equivalent and Molecular Weights,
Note :
The above syllabus is not a comprehensive list of topicspertaining to the subject. At times
questions may be asked otherthan the above topics but defi nitely within the syllabus of CBSE.


Physical Properties and States of Matter, Mass, Weight, Volume, Density and Specific
Gravity, Principle of Archimedes,Pressure Barometer, Motion of objects, Velocity and
Acceleration, Newtons Laws of Motion, Force and Momentum, Parallelogramof Forces, Stability
and Equilibrium of bodies, Gravitation, elementary ideas of work, Power and Energy, Heat and
its Effects, Sound waves and their properties, Reflection and refraction. Spherical mirrors and
Lenses, Type and properties of magnet, Static and Current Electricity, conductors and Non-
conductors, Ohms Law, Simple Electrical Circuits, Heating.


Matrices & Determinants.
Analytical Geometry.
Integral Calculus.
Differential Calculus.
Probability and Statistics.
Number Systems
Fundamental arithmetical operations
Area, Volume and Surface Area
Algebra :
Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division ofalgebraic expressions, HCF & LCM,
factorisation, simpleequations, surds, indices, logarithms, Solution of linear equationsof two and
three variables. Ratio and proportion meaning andstandard form, roots and discriminant of a
quadraticequation ax 2 + bx + c = 0.

1. Physical Fitness Test (PFT)
Indian Army JCO/OR Conduct Commonly all trades these below events.
To determine the Physical Fitness Test (PFT), the following tests carrying 100 marks are held.
Race : 1.6 km within up to 5 minute 30 sec
Pull Ups : 10 and above for
Zig Zag Balance : Qualify
9 Fit Ditch Jump : Qualify

2. Physical Measurement Test (PMT)
Minimum Height required is 170 cms for GD/Trademan/Technical/ Nursing Assistant
Minimum Height required is 162 cms for Clerk.
Minimum Chest required is 77 cms, and plus 5 cms after expension.
The weight of the candidate should be in proportion with his height & according to his age.

3. Documentation

4. Medical Examination
Normal hearing with each ear and good binocular vision in both eyes.
Should be able to read 6/6 in distance vision chart with each eye.

Colour vision should be CP-III.
Minimum 14 dental points.
Should not have diseases like deformity of bones, hydrocele and varicocle or piles.
Should recognize red and green colours.

5. Common Entrance Examination (CEE)
The written exam is based upon the exam pattern and syllabus that has been selected for
the Indian Army Soldier GD written exam as provided in Details.

6. Final Selection (Merit List)

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