About CLC NDA Academy

About CLC NDA Academy

Welcome to CLC NDA academy be brave, be bold, be dare and do.

CLC NDA Academy was established by CLC Education Group with a Single aim of nurturing the talents seeking to fulfil their dreams to become an armed force officer. It is one of the Modern & Trusted academies in north india. Our motive behind establishing this academy is to provide a quality education for NDA, NAVY and AIR FORCE exams to all those who come from urban, rural or unprivileged part of india.

We not only prepare students for defence exams but also give them a complete exposure which helps them to live a successful personal, social and professional life keeping the nationalism connected to their souls.

So that every student is trained to have an excellent communication skill and analytical personality which possess requisite quality of leadership, integrity, character and intellect our rigorous efforts have brought us to a position that for every aspirant dreaming to be an officer in Indian armed forced.

“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.”
Sun Tzu

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