Welcome to CLC NDA Academy
Welcome to CLC NDA academy be brave, be bold, be dare and do.
CLC NDA Academy was established by CLC Education Group with a Single aim of nurturing the talents seeking to fulfill their dreams to become an armed force officer. It is one of the Modern & Trusted academies in north India. Our motive behind establishing this academy is to provide a quality education for NDA, NAVY, AIR FORCE to all those who come from urban, rural or unprivileged part of India.

Quality at Classroom
Student do their best learning when they are engaged and involved. To motivate students, consider your delivery of material, the degree to which students have a say in their own learning.

Care after classroom
Self care us an important tool to help you live a more positive lifestyle. Our day to day lives are often fueled by negativity.

(11th/12th + NDA • NAVY • AIR FORCE)

General Studies, General Science, Current, Affairs, General Reasoning, Mental Aptitude, Numerical Ability…

The weightage of the topics which are asked mostly in the exam…
Age Calculator
As well all know, India has already come out as a leader amongst developing countries. This has been primarily led by creating a sound industrial, financial and technical infrastructure. Our continued focus on quality education has played a vital role in maintaining the momentum of continued growth across all possible dimension.
CLC is playing an integral role in fields of Medical and Engineering . One more feather to add in the of CLC cap is introducing of Defence Academy with Sole Motive of serving the nation.
CLC always excelled in every field weather it is spiritual development, character building or career building. It always stood besides the students fulfilling their dreams and maintaining faith of parents.
On behalf of My CLC NDA Academy Team, I assure each and every candidate that if you are ready to put your 100% energy to achieve your goal. CLC is always their to bring your dreams into reality.

Er. Shrawan Choudhary
Our Education System
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“If a man hasn’t discovered something that he will die for, he isn’t fit to live.”
– Martin Luther King Jr.